Félicie Haymoz, character designer known for her work on “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” “Isle of Dogs,” and Taili Wu, stop-motion “monster-shaper,” contrast their experiences working in the movie world, balancing commercial and creative projects, and how they’ve inspired each other. Artrepreneur’s curator Matt Rota explores with them their path to their current field and the highlights of their careers thus far. Félicie Haymoz and Taili Wu have currently teamed up to teach a unique covid-adapted workshop combining their perspectives through the use of paper puppets.
Brian Young is a lead creative recruiter at Creative Circle in New York. A champion of Creative Circle’s culture, Brian partners with stakeholders and...
Copyright for Creatives webinar to provides creatives with a foundational grasp of what copyright is and how it functions. Copyrights are for literary, musical...
Jeffrey Brodsky discusses the nexus of leadership, affordable housing, and technology. Learn how values-driven leadership can catalyze industry change and community engagement.